
In vitro evaluation of the obturation ability, adaptation and compaction of gutta-percha in the root canal system employing different filling techniques.Daniela Mazotti, Gustavo Sivieri-Araújo, Fábio Luiz Camargo Villela Berbert, Idomeo Bonetti-Filho Effect of energy density on color stability in dental resin composites under accelerated aging.Eliezer Zamarripa, Adriana L. Ancona, Norma B. D’Accorso, Ricardo L. Macchi, […]

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Electromyographic evaluation of masseter and anterior temporalis muscles in resting position and during maximum tooth clenching of edentulous patients before and after new complete dentures.Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Alício Rosalino Garcia, Daniela Micheline dos Santos Orthodontic implications of protein undernutrition in mandibular growth. A cephalometric study in growing rats.Juan A. Garat, Adrián E. Martín, Maria Pani, […]

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Effect of transdermic acetylsalicylic acid on hemostasis in healthy volunteers.Adriana B. Martínez, Esteban Funosas, Lorella Maestri, Perla Hermida Lucena Urinary Fluoride excretion in children aged 3 to 5 years exposed to fluoridated salt at 60 to 90 mgF/Kg in two Venezuelan cities. A pilot study.Ana M. Acevedo, Carolina Febres-Cordero, Sonia Feldman, Marlene A. Arasme, Daniel […]

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Standardization of a simple method to study whole saliva: clinical use in different pathologies.Omar R. Tumilasci, Estela M. L. Cardoso, Liliana N. Contreras, Juan Belforte, Alejandro L. Arregger, Mariano A. Ostuni Adhesion of salivary components to Streptococcus mutans peptides.Jairo A. Tovar, Camilo Durán, Adriana Rodríguez, Lorenza Jaramillo Adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to salivary proteins in […]

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Immediate polymerization shrinkage in light cured restorative resins.Vanesa I. Rodríguez, Pablo F. Abate, Ricardo L. Macchi Changes in blood pressure in children undergoing psychological treatment before dental procedures.Paula Abi Samra-Quintero, Cecilia Bernardoni-Socorro, Alexis Moron Borjas, Nancy Rivera Fuenmayor, Jesús Estévez, Melvis Arteaga-Vizcaíno Early phenotypic and genotypic alterations in submandibular gland oncogenesis in rats.Mabel Brunotto, Alicia […]

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Los artículos de los volumenes 1 a 18 pueden solicitarse en la seccion Contact Us o por mail a Full papers of Volumes 1 to 18 can be ordered in Contact Us section or by email to

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AOL is incorporated to the collection SciELO Argentina (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Using the link will be possible to access full papers and a search engine by key words and author. As of Volume 27 (2014), the journal will be published in digital format with theOpen Journal System (OJS), employing the Portal de publicacionescientíficas […]

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International Journal of Applied and Basic Dental ResearchAlthough AOL will accept original papers from around the world, the principal aim of this journal is to be an instrument of communication for Latin American investigators with the worldwide scientific community in the field of dental research and closely related areas. The following file displays the complete edition of the […]

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