Vol. 25. Issue 1. June 2012

Occurrence of sensitivity during at-home and in-office tooth bleaching therapies with or without use of light sources.
Letícia C.A.G. de Almeida, Carlos A.S. Costa, Heraldo Riehl†, Paulo H. dos Santos, Renato H. Sundfeld, André L.F. Briso

Antibacterial activity of a plant extract and its potential for disinfecting gutta-percha cones.
Manoel Brito-Júnior, Sérgio AM Nobre, Juliana CP Freitas, Carla C Camilo, André L Faria-e-Silva

Does bonding to dentin reduce microleakage of composite restorations?
André L. Faria-e-Silva, Paulo V. Soares, Daniela B. Baroni, Murilo S. Menezes, Paulo C. F. Santos-Filho, Carlos J. Soares, Flávio H.B. Aguiar, Luís R.M. Martins

Effect of Bleaching on Shear Bond Strength to Dentin of Etch-and-rinse and Self-etching Primer Adhesives.
Rodivan Braz, Sandro Cordeiro-Loretto, Arine M. Víveros de Castro-Lyra, Darlene C.R.E. Dantas, Ana Isabella A.M. Ribeiro, Gymenna M.T. Guênes, Alessandro Leite-Cavalcanti

Comparison of oral streptococci biofilm in caries-free and caries-affected preschool mexican children.
Rita E. Martinez-Martinez, Taku Fujiwara, Nuria Patiño-Marin, Tomonori Hoshino, Michael Wilson, Juan P. Loyola-Rodríguez

Effect of articaine on calcium transport in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from medial pterygoid muscle.
Gabriel A. Sánchez, Daniel E. Di Croce, Susana B. Richard, Delia Takara

Influence of re-using reversible hydrocolloids on the linear alteration of coating models.
Lais R. Silva-Concílio, Vivian S. Marsico, Ana C.C. Neves, Morgana N. Gabriotti, William C. Brandt, Cristiane A.A. Claro, Sigmar M. Rode, Célia M. Rizzatti-Barbosa

Periodontal response to subgingival restorations in dogs with periodontitis.
Diego V. Saldanha, Sabrina C. Gomes, Daniela M. Souza, J. Cavagni, Rui V. Oppermann

Misfit profile of dental bridges.
RodSilvina Cattáneo, Mariela Álvarez Castro, José M. Álvarez Castro, Elvio Troielli, Carlos A. Gassó, Héctor Álvarez Cantoni

Analysis of surface roughness of human enamel exposed to bleaching agent and submitted to brushing.
Raquel Pachaly, Roselaine T. Pozzobon

Effect of light-curing unit and adhesive system on marginal adaptation of class V composite restorations.
Denise S. Maia-Casseli, André L. Faria-e-Silva, Andréa N. Cavalcanti, Eliene A.O.N. Romani, Luis R.M. Martins

Psychological factors related to temporomandibular disorders: an evaluation of students preparing for college entrance examinations.
Maisa Reis Diniz, P.A. Sabadin, F.P.P. Leite, R. Kamizaki

The presence of periodontopathogens associated with the tumour necrosis factor-α expression in patients with different periodontal status.
Marina Monetti, María M. Usin, Sandra Tabares, Analía Gonzalez, Humberto R.A. Cabral, Adela Sembaj

Evaluation of the roughness of composite resins submitted to different surface treatments.
Mariella A. Gonçalves, Vitória C.F. Teixeira, Sônia S.M.F.G. Rodrigues, Roberto S.M.F. de Oliveira, Luciana A. Salvio

Influence of different materials and techniques to transfer molding in multiple implants.
Júlio C.B. Faria, Fernando L.G. Cruz, Laís R. Silva-Concílio, Ana C.C. Neves

Alteration of hemostasis in patients treated with subgingival nsaids during periodontal therapy.
Esteban Funosas, Gustavo Feser, Livia Escovich, Lorella Maestri

Effect of increased dwell times for solvent evaporation on the bond strength and degree of conversion of an ethanol-based adhesive system.
Saryta Argolo, Denise C. Oliveira, Céres M. Fontes, Adriano F. Lima, Anderson P. de Freitas, Andrea N. Cavalcanti

Shrinkage stress and degree of conversion of a dental composite submitted to different photoactivation protocols.
Karla M.C. Oliveira, Ailla C.R.A. Lancellotti, Renzo A. Ccahuana-Vásquez, Simonides Consani

The lacuno-canalicular system (LCS) and osteocyte network of alveolar bone by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
Carola B. Bozal, Luciana M. Sánchez, Ángela M. Ubios

Periodontal conditions in a group of colombian type 2 diabetic patients with different degrees of metabolic control.
Carlos Serrano, Clara Perez, Mauricio Rodríguez

Relationship between dental status and family, school and socioeconomic level.
Enilde Ravera†, Gabriel A.Sanchez, Aldo F.Squassi, Noemí Bordoni