Vol. 33. Issue 1. June 2020

Precision and accuracy of four current 3D Printers to achieve models for Fixed Dental Prosthesis
Bianca S. Reis, Fernando F. Portella, Elken G. Rivaldo

Use of Antibiotics in early Childhood and Dental Enamel Defects in 6­ to 12­year­old Children in Primary Health Care
Daniel D. Faustino­Silva, Ariston F. Rocha, Bruno S. da Rocha, Caroline Stein

Radiographic Diagnosis of Simulated External Root Resorption in Multi-Rooted Teeth: The Influence of Spatial Resolution
Mariane F. L. S. Lacerda, Rafael B. Junqueira, Thaísa M. G. Lima, Carolina O. Lima, Caroline F. M. Girelli, Francielle S. Verner

Vestibular Alveolar bone height measurement: Accuracy and Correlation between direct and indirect techniques
Guillermo Pérez-Sánchez, Maykel González-Torres, Mario A. Guzmán-Espinosa, Víctor Hernández-Vidal, Bernardo Teutle-Coyotecatl, Luz V. Mendoza-García, Angeles Moyaho-Bernal

Is it necessary to pre-treat Dentine before GIC Restorations? Evidence from an in Vitro Study
Julio C. Bassi, Tamara K. Tedesco, Daniela P. Raggio, Ana Maria A. Santos, Renata M. D. Bianchi, Giselle R. de Sant’Anna

Internal Lower Incisor Morphology revealed by Computerized Microtomography
Carolina O. Lima, Lorena T. A. Magalhães, Marília F. Marceliano-Alves, Patrícia Y. de Oliveira, Mariane F. L. S. Lacerda

Odontogenic Infection and dental Pain negatively impact Schoolchildren’s Quality of Life
Renata M. Lamenha-Lins, Maria C. Cavalcanti-Campêlo, Cláudia R. Cavalcante-Silva, Kelly Rodrigues-Mota, Carlos V. Leão-Oliveira, Patrícia B. Lopes-Nascimento,
Mônica Vilela-Heimer, Valdeci E. Santos-Júnior

Decontamination of Gutta-percha Cones employed in Endodontics
Clairde S. Carvalho, Moara S. C. Pinto, Samuel F. Batista, Patrick V. Quelemes, Carlos A. M. Falcão, Maria A. A. L. Ferraz

Effect of Obesity and/or Ligature-induced Periodontitis on Aortic Wall Thickness in Wistar Rats
Andressa G. Moreira, Alessandra C. Nicolini, Eduardo J. Gaio, Fernanda Visioli, Cassiano K. Rösing, Juliano Cavagni