Vol. 23. Issue 1. May 2010

Clinical Evaluation of glass ionomer for pit and fissure sealing of fully erupted molars.
Edith Gabriela Sly, Andrea Edith Kaplan, Liliana Missana

Evaluation of a two-step pouring technique for implant-supported prostheses impression.
Wirley G. Assunção, Juliana A. Delben, Paulo H. dos Santos, Lucas F. Tabata, Érica A. Gomes, Valentim A.R. Barão

Polymorphisms of the noggin gene and mandibular micrognathia: a first approximation.
Sandra J. Gutiérrez, Marilúz Gómez, Jorge A. Rey, Margarita Ochoa, Sandra M. Gutiérrez, Juan. C Prieto

Prevalence of Staphylococcus spp and Candida spp in the oral cavity and periodontal pockets of periodontal disease patients.
Alicia I. Cuesta, Virginia Jewtuchowicz, María I. Brusca, María L. Nastri, Alcira C. Rosa

Effects of five carbamide peroxide bleaching gels on composite resin microhardness.
ALF Briso, ITC Tuñas, LCAG de Almeida, V Rahal, GMB Ambrosano

High resolution films for bone regeneration evaluation.
María V Jammal, Erika B Territoriale, Carlos M Abate, Liliana R Missana

Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of the Root Apex of Mandibular Premolars.
Arnaldo Sant’Anna-Júnior, Marco AH Duarte, Juliane M Guerreiro-Tanomaru, Mário Tanomaru-Filho1

Bone substitute in the repair of the post-extraction alveolus.
Sebastián Fontana, Luis M. Plavnik, Sandra J. Renou, Marta E. González de Crosa

Traumatic Dental Injuries and Associated Factors among Brazilian Preschool Children Aged 1-5 Years.
Ana F. Granville-Garcia, Ítala Tarciane de Almeira Vieira, Maria J. Pereira da Silva Siqueira, Valdenice Aparecida de Menezes, Alessandro Leite Cavalcanti

Effect of Sputter-Coating on Cracking of Root-End Surfaces after Ultrasonic Retrograde Preparation - A SEM Study of Resected. Root Apices and their Respective Impressions.
Clovis M. Bramante, Ivaldo Gomes de Moraes, Norberti Bernardineli, Roberto Brandão Garcia, Cláudio Urra Pidero, Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, Alexandre Silva Bramante

Assessment of variations in wear test methodology.
Cresus V. D. Gouvêa, Karin Weig, Thales R.M. Filho, Renata N. Barros

Radiographic study of ossification of the pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments by the hirtz axial technique.
Rafaela R Rosa, Horácio Faig-Leite, Fabiola S Faig-Leite, Luiz C Moraes, Mari E L Moraes, Edmundo M Filho

Influence of ridge type on mandibular distal extension removable partial denture.
Eduardo Piza Pellizzer, Renato Ferraço, Bianca Piccolotto Tonella, Bruno J. de Cazaes Oliveira, Fabiano Lopes Souza, Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci