Vol. 27. Issue 3. December 2014

Morphological changes related to age in mesial root canals of permanent mandibular first molars
Omar A Gani, Claudio F Boiero, Carolina Correa, Ivana Masin, Ricardo Machado, Emmanuel JNL Silva, Luiz Pascoal Vansan

Microbial diversity in dental unit waterlines
Guacyra M. Lisboa, Yves R.M. Lisboa, Telma M.L. Pinheiro, Roberto C. Stegun, Eurípedes A. da Silva-Filho

Maximum bite force in elderly indigenous and non-indigenous denture wearers
Eduardo Borie, Iara A. Orsi, Ramón Fuentes, Víctor Beltrán, Pablo Navarro, Felipe Pareja, Lariça B. Raimundo

Gingival response in orthodontic patients. Comparative study between self-ligating and conventional brackets
Alejandra A. Folco, Sandra C. Benítez-Rogé, Marina Iglesias, Diana Calabrese, Cristina Pelizardi, Alcira Rosa, Marisa I. Brusca, Pedro Hecht, María E. Mateu

Association between post-orthodontic treatment gingival margin alterations and symphysis dimensions
Luciane Q. Closs, Leonardo F. Bortolini, Ary dos Santos-Pinto, Cassiano K. Rösing

Influence of cantilever length and type of arch antagonist on bone loss in total implant-supported prostheses
Rafaella M.O. Cid, Kyle Stanley, Ernesto B. Cordero, Cesar A.M. Benfatti, Marco A. Bianchini

Occurrence of porphyromonas gingivalis and its antibacterial susceptibility to metronidazole and tetracycline in patients with chronic periodontitis
Fredy Gamboa, Adriana Acosta, Dabeiba-Adriana García, Juliana Velosa, Natalia Araya, Roberto Ledergerber

In vitro evaluation of the film thickness of self-etching resin cements
Julio Chávez-Lozada, María del Carmen Urquía-Morales