Vol. 23. Issue 2. August 2010
The effect of carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on the microhardness of dental ceramics.
Sheila P. Passos, Aleska D. Vanderlei, Susana M. Salazar-Marocho, Sarina M.B. Azevedo, Vanessa Z.C. Vasquez, Estevão T. Kimpara
The use of ozone to lighten teeth. an experimental study.
Jerónimo Tessier, Patricia N. Rodriguez, Fima Lifshitz, Silvia M. Friedman, Eduardo J. Lanata
Inhibitory effect of lidocaine on the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+- dependent ATPase from temporalis muscle.
Gabriel A. Sánchez, Ana C. Casadoumecq, Guillermo L. Alonso, Delia Takara
Isolated intra-oral granular cell tumor: report of two cases and review of the literature.
Emanuel S.S. Andrade, José R. Laureano Filho, Nelson S. Rocha, Ivo C. Pita Neto, Igor B. Camargo
Intraoral environment conditions and their influence on marginal leakage in composite resin restorations.
Paula Mathias, Viviane Rocha, Letícia Saraiva, Andrea N Cavalcanti, Juliana F Azevedo, Luís Alexandre MS Paulillo
Evaluating the bonding of two adhesive systems to enamel submitted to whitening dentifrices.
André Luiz Fraga Briso, Roberta Mariano Toseto, Alex Mendes de Arruda, Patrícia Ramos Tolentino, Rodrigo Sversut de Alexandre, Paulo Henrique dos Santos
Human papillomavirus and Epstein Barr virus in oral hairy leukoplakia among HIV positive venezuelan patients.
María Correnti, Xiomara González, Maira Avila, Marianella Perrone, Helen Rivera
Sealing ability of MTA-Angelus with propyleneglycol in furcal perforations.
Manoel Brito-Júnior, Fabiana A. Viana, Rodrigo D. Pereira, Sérgio A.M. Nobre, Janir A. Soares, Carla C. Camilo, André L. Faria-e-Silva
Effect of different polymerization devices on the degree of conversion and the physical properties of an indirect resin composite.
Rodrigo O.A. Souza, Mutlu Özcan, Alfredo M.M. Mesquita, Renata M. De Melo, Graziella Á.P. Galhano, Marco A. Bottino, Carlos A. Pavanelli
Oral Malignant Tumours: A report on 728 cases in Chile.
Gonzalo Rojas-Alcayaga, Romina Brignardello, Iris Espinoza, Maria E Franco, Nelson Lobos, Ana V Ortega-Pinto
Genotypic profiles by AP-PCR of Streptococcus mutans in caries-active and caries-free preschoolers.
Fredy Gamboa, Margarita Chaves, Claudia Valdivieso
Presentation rate in the Latin American Region of the International Association for Dental Research.
Lilian Jara-Tracchia, Romina F. Aromando, María E. Itoiz
Evaluation “in situ” of tag formation in dental enamel submitted to microabrasion technique. Effect of two etching times.
Márcio G. Hoeppner, Silvio J. Mauro, Rodrigo S. Alexandre, Maria L.M.M. Sundefeld, Renato H. Sundfeld
Development and in vitro evaluation of biopolymers as a delivery system against periodontopathogen microorganisms.
Aida Rodriguez-Garcia, Luis J. Galan-Wong, Katiushka Arevalo-Niño
Influence of retentive areas associated to onlay preparations on the dimensional stability of silicone impression materials.
Regis A. Yatsuda, Adriano F. Lima, Regiane Yatsuda, Andrea N. Cavalcanti, Cláudia I. Capp, Moacyr D. Novelli, Antonio A. de Cara