Vol. 35. Issue 2. September 2022

Follow-up of first permanent molar restorative treatment with and without Molar Hypomineralization
Ana M Biondi, Silvina G Cortese, Lucía Babino, Andrea M Ortolani
Immune challenges upregulate the expression of cannabinoid receptors in cultured human odontoblasts and gingival fibroblasts Laura M Navarro-Saiz, Lilia J Bernal-Cepeda, Jaime E Castellanos
Influence of Melatonin associated with the Bio-Gide® membrane on osteoblast activity: an in vitro Study Eliene A Oliveira, Karen L Dalla-Costa, Fabiana MG França, Kamila R Kantovitz, Daiane C Peruzzo
Tooth color in dental students from Buenos Aires University, Dental School, Argentina María M Trigo-Humaran, Alan B Agüero-Romero, Marcela Lespade, Juan M García-Cuerva, María E Iglesias
Root canal morphology of 1316 premolars from Brazilian individuals: an in vivo analysis using cone-beam computed tomography Marília C Lemos, Thaïs MC Coutinho, Alejandro R Perez, Thamires C Medeiros, Marília FV Marceliano-Alves, Flávio RF Alves
Bulk-fill restorative composites under simulated carious and erosiveconditions Alfredo W Zenkner-Neto, Waldemir F Vieira-Junior, Flávia LB Amaral, Fabiana MG França, Roberta T Basting, Cecilia P Turssi
Fluoride and silver ion concentrations and pH in silver diamine fluoride solutions from Argentina Glenda Rossi, Lidia AR Valadas, Aldo Squassi
Longitudinal assessment of the impact of orthodontic treatment on adolescents’ quality of life: a comparison between boys and girls using a condition specific questionnaire Larissa Corradi-Dias, Saul M Paiva, Alexandre F Drummond, José Alcides A de Arruda, Leonardo FS de Menezes, Lucas G Abreu
Students’ perspective of the teaching-learning process of oral radiology before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Alessandra R da Costa-Neri, Anne C Costa-Oenning, Thais C de Abreu-Alves, Francine K Panzarella, José LC Junqueira, Ademir Franco
Adaptations in dental public health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in unicipalities of Southern Brazil: a grounded theory and collaborative research Mateus C Pereira, Heloisa Godoi, Christine B Da Costa, Priscila Nunes, Darclé Cardoso, Ana LS Ferreira De Mello