Vol. 37. Issue 3. December 2024
Subgingival biofilm colonization by Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis in patients living with HIV from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Verónica Á Dubois Pablo A Salgado, Susana L Molgatini, Laura A Gliosca
Twelve-month healing rates after endodontic therapy with foraminal cleaning using 2% chlorhexidine in mandibular molars diagnosed with apical periodontitis: a prospective clinical study
Cassiano N Almeida, Carlos E da Siveira Bueno, Carlos E Fontana, Augusto S Kato, Marília FV Marceliano-Alves, Alexandre Sigrist De Martin, Ana Grasiela Limoeiro, Wayne M Nascimento, Ricardo Ferreira, Rina A Pelegrine
Treatment of vital teeth involved in the extension of inflammatory radicular cysts: a systematic review
Diego G Calabró, Ricardo P Portigliatti, Federico Stolbizer
ICDA-S-II index improves early-stage diagnosis of carious lesions among schoolchildren in northern Brazil
Davi Lavareda Corrêa, Flávia M Flório Corrêa, Vânia Castro Corrêa, Sue A Lavareda Corrêa Uchôa, Suelen Lavareda, Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Exploring furcation involvement diagnosis and treatment practices: a cross-sectional survey among general dentists in southern Santa Fe Province, Argentina
Juan C Llaudet, Enrique Pussetto, Fabio Herrero
Mandibular size as a predictor of vertical dimension of occlusion based on cephalometric analysis
Omar E Gárate-Silva
Non-pathological facial asymmetry in adult women: an approach to bite force, occlusal contact distribution and masticatory muscle thickness
Anna L Alves Fernandes, Lilian Mendes Andrade Mazzi-Chaves, Sergio Rodrigues Selma Siéssere, Simone C Hallak Regalo, Laís Valencise Magri, Isabela Hallak Regalo, Jardel F, Paulo B de Vasconcelos, Marcelo Palinkas
Apical extrusion following different glide path instrumentation in curved canals of mandibular molars
Marlene P Torres, Ana GS Limoeiro, Ana Raquel LS Miranda, Marcos Frozoni
Effect of resin cements on the bond strength of three types of glass f iber post systems to intraradicular dentin
Sue A Lavareda Correa Uchôa , Flávia L Botelho Amaral
Resin composite color change by spatula manipulation, effects on surface and color stability
Samara R dos Santos Franco, Jorge E da Silva Junior, Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França, Waldemir F Vieira Junior, Cecilia Pedroso Turssi, Roberta Tarkany Basting