Instructions for Authors

Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana (AOL) accepts original papers from around the world, the principal aim of this journal is to be an instrument of communication for Latin American investigators with the worldwide scientific community in the field of dental research and closely related areas. Original manuscripts are considered for publication on the condition that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

A. Manuscript Preparation

The journal follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in regard to preparation of manuscripts and authorship (Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals;

Manuscripts should be typed in a 12-point font (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman) and double-spaced. Organized as follows: short title for headings (no more than 40 characters); full title in English; authors separated by commas including the ORCID number; affiliation(s), indicating each author’s affiliation by means of a superscript; 200-300 word abstract; keywords (no more than six, which must be listed in PubMed’s MeSH); title in Spanish or Portuguese , abstract in Spanish or Portuguese and keywords in Spanish or Portuguese (DeCS). The text should include the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, Corresponding author (name and e-mail address of the corresponding author), references and legends for figures.

  • Title page. This page must include: short title for headings, title of the article, authors and affiliation, name and email of the corresponding author.
  • A 200-to 300 words abstract of the article must be included.
  • Manuscript length. The text portion of the article (Introduction, Materials and Method, Results, Conclusions) should not exceed 4000 words.
  • Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent: The authors must state in their manuscript (Materials and Method section) that they have obtained informed consent of the people involved and that the project has been approved by an institutional ethics committee. Studies involving laboratory animals must comply with the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”, National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC and have the approval of an institutional committee. Provide approval number/code.
  • Figures and tables should not exceed 10, and the number of references should be limited to 40.
  • Acknowledgments. Those whose contributions do not justify authorship may be acknowledged individually or together as a group, and their contributions should be specified. Visit IJCME- Recommendations-Roles & Responsibilities Non-Author Contributors.
  • Funding: Sources of financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article should also be disclosed. Specify grant or other financial support, citing the name of the supporting organization and grant number. For example: This study was supported by a Grant from University XXXXXXXXX, number/code.
  • Declaration of conflicting interest: authors must state if there is any conflict of interest for any of the authors.
  • Figure legends. Figure legends should be typed as a group at the end of the manuscript. Detailed legends are encouraged. For photomicrographs, specify original magnification and stain.
  • Abbreviations. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
  • Trade names. When a trade name of a product is used, the name of the manufacturer must appear in brackets at first mention, country.
  • References. All references must be cited in the manuscript with superscript and numbered consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text, for example: 1, 3-6, 8. Limit references to those specifically referred to in the text.

For example:

Option 1: Periodontal disease is a public health problem that affects numerous global populations. It is the leading cause of tooth loss, particularly in older adults, significantly affecting their quality of life1.

Option 2: Leppaniemi et al.3, Muratbegovic et al.5 and Da Costa Silva et al.6 reported an association between presence of opacities and caries lesions3-5.

Maximum: 40 references. References must be in NLM Style - Citation Format.  It´s mandatory to include the DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) for each citation with hyperlink. Although the DOI number may appear in a variety of formats in an article or metadata record, use only the hyperlink format for reference list entries. The DOI number should begin with “” and continue with the number. Here is an example:  Crossref offers a DOI search for journal articles, books, and chapters. Simply cut and paste the reference into their search box. If no DOI is available, use the source's URL in the citation.

Journal names should be abbreviated as in MEDLINE/PubMed. If abstracts are cited, [Abstract] should be added after the title. List all the authors.


Sample Article Citations: use the following style for the reference list:

Biondi AM, Cortese SG, Babino L, Ortolani AM. Follow-up of first permanent molar restorative treatment with and without Molar Hypomineralization. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 2022 Sep 30;35(2):75-79.

Brief Guidelines:

  • List all authors, last name first then first initial and middle initial, if available, separate each author by a comma. More than 6 authors include et al.
  • List full article title, capitalize only first word and any proper nouns.
  • Abbreviate journal title according to NLM Catalog of Journals.
  • Put year first, followed by month and date, if listed.  End with semicolon.
  • Put volume and issue (optionally, issue may be omitted if pagination continues for each issue). Do not add space after semicolon.  End with colon.
  • Indicate page number range.  Do not repeat numbers or put a space after colon.  i.e. if date range is 1235 through 1237, record as 1235-7.
  • Include DOI as “” format


Should include, in this order: author(s) of the book and chapter, book title and the chapter title, where applicable, city and country, publisher, year of publication, pages.

Please, type your manuscript on the Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana template.

B. Figures, Graphs and Tables guidelines:

There is no additional cost for publishing full color figures.

  • Figures and graphs: must be indicated in the manuscript as (Fig. 1) or (Figs. 1,2) and numbered in a single series of consecutive arabic numbers according to their order of appearance in the text.
    • Figures: only JPEG and TIFF formats are accepted. Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color (RGB at 8-bit per channel) with sufficiently high resolution (a resolution of 300 dpi or higher, 3.5 inches wide or minimum 1000 pixels width/height).
    • Graphs: accepted in excel format only. Limit fonts used in any figure and graphs to Times New Roman or Arial, font-size 12. Other fonts cannot be guaranteed to reproduce properly.
    • See Figure Graphic Formatting Guidelines.
  • Tables: should be numbered according to a series of arabic numbers separate from that of the figures, should be indicated in the manuscript as (Table 1). Tables must be sent in format doc or docx.

Visit:  Figure Graphic Formatting Guidelines. You can include the figures and tables in the manuscript with the legends, but you also have to submit them in separate files to maintain original resolution.

C. Authors’ Agreement:

Authors’ Agreement form must be signed by all authors, in the same author order as on the title page and uploaded to the online submission at the time of first submission.

Adherence to Guidelines

Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with these guidelines will be suspended by the submission service before review.

Review/Editing of Manuscripts

Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

The review process will be carried out by two reviewers selected by the editorial board, from specialists in each field. The reviewers will undertake the review process to achieve the highest possible standard of scientific content. Confidentiality, impartiality, and objectivity will be maintained during the entire peer review process. If discrepancies arise, a third reviewer will be invited to participate. The reviewers will have a period of 4 weeks to review the manuscript and based on their report, the Editorial Committee may request modifications and decide on acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The revised version of manuscripts with a recommendation of major modifications, will be sent back to the reviewers for final evaluation.

The manuscripts accepted for publication will be submitted to idiomatic evaluation (with additional cost) and revision, edition and layout. The authors will proofread their manuscript and must approve the final version prior to publication.

Article processing charges

In order to publish in Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana, authors of accepted articles are required to pay an article processing charge (APC).

The APC for all published articles is as follows:

  • SAIO active members (first or last author): U$S 100.-
    SAIO adherent  members (first or last author): U$S 150.-
    SAIO non-members: U$S 300.-