Vol. 28. Issue 2. July 2015

The influence of display modalities on proximal caries detection and treatment decision
Véra L.S.A. Barbosa, Amanda K.G. Gonzaga, Andrea A. Pontual, Patrícia M. Bento, Flávia M.M. Ramos-Perez, Pedro T.D. Filgueira, Daniela P. Melo

A retrospective analysis of reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: study of 1149 cases diagnosed between 2000 and 2011, Chile
Andrea Maturana-Ramírez, Daniela Adorno-Farías, Montserrat Reyes-Rojas, Marcela Farías-Vergara, Juan Aitken-Saavedra

Patients’ perception of installation, use and results of orthodontic mini-implants
Matheus M. Pithon, Mariana J. Santos, Marília C. Ribeiro, Rafael C. Nascimento, Rafael S. Rodrigues, Antônio C. Ruellas, Raildo S. Coqueiro

Evaluation of two human dental pulp stem cell cryopreservation methods
Juan C. Munévar, Nicole Gutiérrez, Nury T. Jiménez, Gloria I. Lafaurie

Subgingivally applied minocycline microgranules in subjects with chronic periodontitis. A randomized clinical and microbiological trial
Verónica B. Chiappe, Mariel V. Gómez, Cristina Rodríguez, Marilina Fresolone, Adalí Pecci, Hugo J. Romanelli

Ex vivo microleakage comparison between glass ionomers used as pit and fissure sealants
Gabriela E. Sly, Liliana R. Missana, Nicolás Nieva, Andrea E. Kaplan

Changes in pH of irrigating solutions after contact with human root dentin
Gabriela L. López, María L. de la Casa, Alberto M. Manlla, María del M. Sáez, María E. López

A laboratory assessment of bacterial leakage in mta apical plugs exposed to phosphate-buffered saline
Josiane de Almeida, Andrea L. Pimenta, Wilson T. Felippe

Edentulism and dental prostheses in the elderly: impact on quality of life measured with euroqol – visual analog scale (eq-vas)
Carlos Cano-Gutiérrez, Miguel G. Borda, Antonio J. Arciniegas, Claudia X. Borda

Influence of alginate impression materials and storage time on surface detail reproduction and dimensional accuracy of stone models
Ricardo D. Guiraldo, Ana F.F. Moreti, Julia Martinelli, Sandrine B. Berger, Luciana L. Meneghel, Rodrigo V. Caixeta, Mário A.C. Sinhoreti

Correlation between gingival thickness and gingival recession in humans
Frederico B. Maroso, Eduardo J. Gaio, Cassiano K. Rösing, Marilene I. Fernandes

The concentration of IL-1β in saliva of children with oral lesions associated to histiocytosis
Carolina Benchuya, Verónica Paván, Ariel Gualtieri, Virginia Fernández de Preliasco

An experimental model of disuse in the alveolar rat bone. A histomorphometrical study
Alejandra E. Trojan-Cotumacci, Angela M. Ubios, Carola B. Bozal

Antiseptic mouthwashes: in vitro antibacterial activity
Evandro Watanabe, Andresa P. Nascimento, Juliane M. Guerreiro-Tanomaru, Ana M. Razaboni, Denise de Andrade, Mário Tanomaru-Filho

Association among salivary flow rate, caries risk and nutritional status in pre-schoolers
Patricia N. Rodríguez, Josefina Martínez Reinoso, Carlota A. Gamba, Pablo A. Salgado, María Teresa Mateo, María del Carmen Manto, Susana L. Molgatini, Verónica Iglesias, Ángela B. Argentieri

Ultrastructure of the surface of dental enamel with molar incisor hypomineralization (mih) with and without acid etching
Carola B. Bozal, Andrea Kaplan, Andrea Ortolani, Silvina G. Cortese, Ana M. Biondi